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Monday, September 19, 2011

Speaking out for jobs conference call with Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN)

Speaking out for jobs conference call with Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN)

Speaking out for jobs conference call with Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN)
Today I had the opportunity to take part in a conference call with Congressional Progressive Caucus co chairperson Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN). The CPC held this jobs framework briefing to discuss how they are taking on the task of job creation in America. This briefing was held for people who showed up at the CPC Speak out for Jobs events held in eight U.S cities, from June-August and those who endorsed the pledge for economic opportunity. Rep. Ellison wanted his fellow Democrats and Progressives to know that the CPC heard them and was fighting for what they asked for.
The representative informed us that through these town hall events the CPC talked to over ten thousands American from all backgrounds, all with the same theme: the American dream is fading. We need to rebuild America from the bottom up, not the top down. Americans need more then just a job, Americans need a good job. Rep. Ellison hit the nail on the head when he stated “every good worker deserves a good American job” That statement is one of the main themes in the CPC framework for creating good, strong jobs for the American worker.
Mr. Ellison expressed the framework for the CPC job plan even further by saying, that job growth must focus on reviving manufacturing in the US. Reviving the American manufacturing sector will revitalize the American spirit and economy. We need those three words, made in the USA to mean something again. Rep. Ellison’s belief in the manufacturing sector can be summed up in his own words “Made in America tells you its the highest quality money can buy.” From this revitalization we can rebuild our roads, bridges and schools, lead the green revolution in retrofitting our buildings, more efficient appliances, electric cars. These steps will not only create jobs for American today, but will create jobs for future generations.
American families need these jobs. Nothing in life is as demoralizing as not only being without work, but being underemployed. Struggling for your family and barely getting by, is not what we need. We need give Americans the disposable income they need to become the consumers our economy demands. Job training will help Americans succeed in these fields, fairer taxes were small business and people have can compete. Collective bargaining for our workers is the tool for the middle class. According, to Representative Ellison in these so called right to work states “they pay approximately 5,333 less then non right to work states” Don’t be fooled by the term right to work, it is saddling you with lower wages and less benefits.
The representative finished the call stating “Americans of good decency step up and help each other...Together we will get this turned around” Together we will get this turned around. With Representative's Schakowsky bill to create 2.2 million jobs (, new reciprocal trade bills and the American people standing up to corporate greed, Republican callousness we will turn our state of affairs around and reclaim the American dream.

Putting the fix in: Governor Corbett and Senate Majority Leader Pillegi attempt to ensure GOP votes

Putting the fix in: Governor Corbett and Senate Majority Leader Pillegi attempt to ensure GOP votes

What's next....
In November 2010, the GOP walked away with the trifecta in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania: house, senate and governorship. Seizing on the opportunity they now control they have been trying to push right to work legislation, which I have commented on in past articles and will focus on as the legislature returns next Monday. Yet, a more pervasive measure is coming out of Harrisburg then the run of the mill right wing attack on workers. This one attacks the compilation of electoral votes in a presidential election.
Senate Majority leader Dominic Pillegi (R) and Governor Corbett (R) want to change the winner-take all electoral college tallying to a district's tally. According to John Baer a columnist with the Philadelphia Daily News, Senate Majority Leader Pillegi stated that the reform
"will more accurately reflect the preference of Pennsylvania voters." (
, Baer goes further by stating that the majority leader hopes that he could get a hearing this October, with passage before the 2012 election. The Republicans fear that President Obama will carry Pennsylvania, a battleground swing state that has favored Democrats since Reagen. In the mind of the GOP, if we can't get the 21 electoral votes from the commonwealth, they could steal about nine with this plan. While a national system of district based voting would better represent the people according to Ian Millhiser of thinkprogress
"But when a major blue state’s Republican leadership adopts this kind of reform piecemeal, it is nothing less than an attempt to rig the election." (
This is just the latest from a surge of radical measures from the far right to keep control at all costs. Fear of ever changing dynamics of ethnic growth and urban areas being more often liberal, the GOP is trying at all costs to take what they can while they can. Increased voter ID restriction, right to work legislation, restricting  LGBT civil liberties when will the party that claims to be for the rights of individuals stop attacking those rights. When will Americans show up in force at the ballots, or have the liberals, progressives, centrists and even moderate republicans just resigned ourselves to complaining while the far right acts? 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Pledge

“A man devoid of understanding shakes hands in a pledge, and becomes surety for his friends” (Proverbs 17:18)
Growing up in NYC for most of my early education, a common occurrence took place every morning at school. All the kids would stand up, put their right hand over their hearts, and pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. When I moved from NYC to Eastchester, NY and then to Lansdale, PA the pledge followed me. I would assume that school age children everywhere in our nation recite the pledge. The pledge of allegiance is an example of a pledge that is unwavering and unmovable. The idea of a pledge is a solemn oath, a guarantee that you will stand by that notion through thick or thin. I use the pledge of allegiance to show an example of a pledge, the way I see pledges. A pledge creates fealty between pledge giver and pledge taker. Since, A United States Congressman is supposed to represent 666,000 Americans as a member of the house, or the entire state as a member of the senate. Oaths of Fealty to special interest groups prevent the Congressman from being responsible to their true oath. That is their oath to the people of their districts, states, country and the Constitution.
I feel that the lack of understand that many Republicans had in making these pledges to any far right group that would support them has created a destructive force in our Government. The one that has created the greatest damage to the political climate in the beltway is the oath to Grover Norquists “Americans for Tax Reform”. The pledge can be found here …this pledge creates an atmosphere in congress where Republicans cannot act to fix the economy, unless Grover Norquists wishes are enforced. The refusal to create any revenue let any absurd Bush Era tax cuts expire prevent the government from acting responsibly. How can you just cut spending and not expect any money to come in to replace it. It is absurd to believe that the economy exists in a box, as to say a never changing entity where one way is the only way to precede. The global economy requires nations to take an active role in their economic policies. No country on Earth could be taken seriously stating there will be no new taxes, no new revenue, nothing but cuts.
I wonder if these Republican congressmen realized that they were signing their legislative power away to the highest bidder. The party that claims to be responsive to the rights of individuals over government gave their vote away to special interest. The constituents of their districts get no say; Grover Norquist has become the de facto speaker of the legislative power of the GOP. If 660,000 representatives from a district that had a republican representative stated raise taxes, that representative would say I can’t, Grover Norquist wont let me. These pledges have no place in government. They take the power away from the people, the people is who you represent, not the special interest group.
I know Democrats aren’t innocent either in these special interest pledges, however, I do not know of any pledges that any democrat has made to any group that has caused such a strain on a elected official representing their district. I think these pledges are useless and should make their way out of the election process. A simple guarantee to the people would be sufficient. I, promise to represent my constituents to the best of my abilities placing nothing ahead of them but the best path for our nation. When the time comes in an ever-changing theatre of politics, I will represent you over party and special interest. This simple promise would help protect the people over special interest. A refreshing notion in the political climate of the United States.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Anti-Union Laws reach Pa.

In about a month the Pennsylvania house and senate will return to Harrisburg and the fall session will begin. At this very time there are 4 bills stuck in committee, 3 in the house, 1 in the senate. These bills, if they pass will strike at the very heart of labor rights in Pennsylvania. Modeled after Ohio's SB5, Wisconsin's budget repair bill, and other union striping bills which are being produced by Republican controlled legislative bodies throughout the country, the rights of workers are being attacked under the guise of so called right to work laws.
These laws do little to create jobs, or shore up the middle class.  These laws exist in states more likely to have a lower median income. 10 of the 14 states with right to work legislation have a median income of 45,000 or less; national average is 50,271. (us news world report 10/5/10. Only two of 13 states with median incomes of 55,000 or more are right to work states; Utah and Virginia. Pennsylvania is at the cusp of the low average, with a median income of 47,000 we should be looking for ways to push income levels up. These laws are blatant attacks against unions, not job creation measures.
The three bills in the Pa House Labor and Industry committee do little to create jobs. They weaken organized labor by removing fair share provisions, replacing them with right to work laws. Labor unions will no longer be required to represent all workers regardless of membership in the bargaining unit. In other words you will no longer have to pay fair share to union for representation, and you might be able to keep 20 bucks a paycheck. So you get twenty dollars more a pay, management gets more freedom to restrict your workplace rights. Republicans claiming to represent individual rights are frauds, these rights do not extend to the workplace unless you own or supervise that workplace. Minimal contributions for protection at work, guess it is a lesser of the evils.
The bill in the senate labor and industry committee is quite laughable if you ask me. This bill claims to protect your paycheck by preventing you from allowing private organizations from deducting from you paycheck. In other words, unions would no longer be allowed to collect dues from payroll deductions. This bill obviously violates my individual freedom to allow the union from collecting my dues, which as a dues paying member I grant them permission to withdraw. The hope of the Republicans authoring this bill is obvious. Remove automatic deductions, prevent simple dues collection, and starve unions of necessary funds for representation, contract negotiations and other vital union business. Republicans fire back that unions use these funds to fund political action that some of the workers might disagree with. This argument is furthest from the truth, yet, again our friends across the aisle either forgot to do all their research or left something out. Union dues and Union PAC funds are completely separate. When you join the union you get a separate card to fill out to donate extra money to the PAC, dues do not go to the PAC.
The term Right to Work is one of those creative ways to use language to deceive those you target. When you hear the term right to work you think, yeah nothing wrong with that, we all want the right to work. How can you oppose a persons right to work? By limiting person’s rights in the workplace, you limit their right to work. Don’t be deceived by language. The right to work is protected by unions. If unions were such a threat to the workplace, why is only 12% of the national workforce unionized. Unions prevent management from using a divide and conquer approach that will keep workers in line. It’s all about control and unions wrest some of that control to the workforce. Getting rid of every union won’t decrease unemployment, it will increase underemployment, which it seems is the goal of Republicans in this country. Whether it’s workers rights, minimum wage laws, or regulations. The Republican Party is after your rights in the work place. Hannibal is at the gates. The only response to this encroachment is unity. Divided we fall, united we stand.

Friday, August 26, 2011

NCL and the high price for contacting your family on cruises.

With Hurricane Irene making her way north, causing many states to issue "state of emergencies", NYC planning on shutting down transit, many agencies and businesses are preparing for the storm. While I write this issue my parents are returning home on the Norwegian Gem. The Norwegian Gem, a NCL cruise ship. They left on their cruise on sunday to Bermuda and are due back this Sunday, when the hurricane is supposed to set down in the NY area. 
Being concerned about my parents, my wife and then I called NCL. I called them because I was shocked what they told my wife. According to both customer service agents there is no information on the storm, but it will be updated. I can check the webpage to keep track, however, to contact my parents to make plans or any ship personnel for more information they need a major credit card and will charge me 7.95 a min. 7.95 a min to check on my parents, or to even leave a message. I'm not trying to call a sex line, I'm trying to prepare to pick my parents up in a hurricane after they probably spent around 3000 dollars on their cruise. Now they want just 7.95 a min, so I can prepare to pick them up. New York and New Jersey are considering closing roads, I might not be able to get to the port to pick them up, but for 7.95 a min I can prepare my parents.

In response to NCL's callous milk em dry approach to storm preparedness, I wrote a email to the Ed schultz show, left a tip at the ny daily news city tip desk, left a comment on the thomm Hartmann comment line, submitted a tip to thinkprogress and now I am writing my piece. I understand economics and business theory, however, I don't understand why they need to make a profit over this as well. Does human decency ever take the front seat to profit?.

Well you can help me, and progressmo shuffle tell NCL to waive this ridiculous 7.95 a min fee. Call NCL and say " let people get in touch with their loved ones, don't exploit the situation at 7.95 a min. 

Thank you for following progressmo shuffle, be safe during the storm.

Monday, August 22, 2011

ProgressMo Shuffle's observation on the Confederate flag.

As I was driving home from the gym, I drove down 4th street in Lansdale and saw something that upset me. Every time I see this symbol, especially in northern states I get the same tingle down my spine. The symbol as you already may have guessed is the Confederate flag. Maybe because I have spent most of my life studying American history, this symbol evokes a greater reaction to me then most other white northerners. However, anyone who knows even a small amount of American history, should know what that symbol means.

The symbol that is the Confederate Flag represents the ideals of the antebellum south. One of the ideals that this flag represents is rooted in a hierarchy in society. That hierarchy elevates whites society above all others, especially African Americans who were enslaved by white plantation owners. The stars and bars represent the parts of our history that couldn’t be settled at the constitutional convention, these differences required four years of war and 660,000 American lives to be resolved on paper. I say, resolved on paper because the issue of race still pervades our society one hundred and fifty years after Richmond fell. Of the 660,000 Americans who fell during the Civil War 365,000 died for the Union, another 275,000 were wounded. One in four of the Union soldiers who fought in the war were killed or wounded. Furthermore, approximately 2% of the entire population of the United States died in the war, in comparison to today’s population that’s 6.2 million Americans.

Ninety or so years after the Civil War, that flag was resurrected to represent the segregationist. This flag was used to portray the intransigence of the white southerner to the gains of the civil rights movements.  When you see pictures of protestors from Selma, to the integration of Ole Miss, to the reaction from Brown vs. Board of Ed and George Wallace shouting “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever” you see the stars and bars flying. This flag represents the struggle against that movement to create a more perfect union. If you are one who takes pride in the history of this struggle against inequality, then I guess this flag represents you.

Today, the Confederate flag is just as intrinsic to the struggle against a past that we constantly fight to rise above. Of the eleven states that seceded from the union from Dec 1860-mid 1861 ten of them have removed the confederate emblem from their state flags, Mississippi being the only one where the confederate flag remains. The most damning condemnation one could find against the stars and bars would be from African Americans. The best way to describe this feeling is from African American singer Ken Page “For black folks, the Confederate flag represents the same thing that the Nazi flag represents to the Jews. There is absolutely no difference when we look at it. Now, white folks try to explain it away like, 'Oh, it's OK.' But when you're black, it is not OK. It represents oppression and murder.”
This quote brings the reality of this symbol home to me. I am Lutheran, however, I am the first one in my family to be Christian. My family on my father side is entirely Jewish, on my mother’s side half. When I see a swastika, I see the attempt to destroy a race for no other reason then they who they are. The systematic oppression and destruction of a group of people, and the fight to maintain that way of life is what the Confederate flag represents. When I see a Confederate flag the first thing I think of is “just another ignorant white guy”. That flag pretty much poisons any debate or conversation due to its intrinsic association to subjugation of African Americans.

The history of the Confederate flag follows a dark path through the American identity. It represents the worst aspects of our culture, the greatest division in our union. It represents when compromise failed, when cooler heads did not prevail and instead of coming together for the betterment of our society we were driven apart. Howard Fineman, chief editor of the Huffington Post in his book “The Thirteen American American Arguments” stated “It took a civil war to free the slaves, and another century to ensure their civil rights, but no country has emerged more genuinely committed to the ideal of individual freedom for all. In part because we have shed so much blood for that prize.” Every ounce of that blood was shed to propel us past an issue that the founders could not compromise on. That flag represents what that struggle was against, not pride in ones heritage, but the struggle against Union. That union is what makes us great, everything that the Confederate flag stands against.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Response to Sen Coburn being grateful he can't carry on the senate floor

To Senator Coburn (R-OK)

It is a sad day when compromise, intelligence and political stewardship takes a back seat to fear and intimidation. In the opinion of most American, it is a great fact that you have to try to use your intellect on the floor of the senate. Americans are not as stupid as you think, maybe in northeastern Oklahoma appealing to violence is all you can do, but in the rest of America it is a losing battle. Americans want the great compromisers back in politics, not this cowboy frontier mentality that you can shoot your way out of everything. If you want to instill fear, instill the fear that without compromise the floors of congress will be as un-American as shooting those you disagree with. 

ProgressMo Shuffle

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pathway to new jobs.

With the debt crisis temporarily adverted Democrats and Republicans can square off on an important issue, jobs. While the debt crisis was an important issue, the cure for our economy is jobs. According to Paul Wiseman, an economics writer for AP, in the 2000’s US based Multi National Corporations (MNC’s) have added 2.4 million jobs in foreign countries all while cutting 2.9 million jobs in the US. These US based MNC’s ear well over 1.9 trillion dollars that could well be in the US economy, yet, if they create jobs it will most likely be in China, India or Bangladesh. ( So, how do we get the 14.1 million unemployed Americans back to work?

During the height of the great depression the employment rate peaked at 25% No amount of tax cuts or corporate restructuring was able to solve the problem. Rather, the unprecedented investment in the US economy known as the New Deal did. One of the prominent focuses of the New Deal was infrastructure. Given the current state of American infrastructure I could not think of a better place to start. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American infrastructure system received a D rating. The ASCE recommended a 2.2 trillion dollar investment over the next 5 years to just fix our crumbling infrastructure. Kathy Caldwell, the 2011 president for the ASCE, projects that “for every billion dollars invested in infrastructure, 30,000 jobs are created” ( investment in the US economy is a sure fire way to not only fix our jobless state, but fix the roads, bridges, dams, railways and other vital parts of the American infrastructure. For every 50 billion invested in American infrastructure, 1.5 million jobs would be created. This investment would be an investment in our future, not a corporation’s bottom line. This should not be confused with Obama’s stimulus package which was overinvested in tax cuts in a vain attempt to build consensus with the far right.

The US Chamber of Commerce states that 1/3 of the major roads are in poor or mediocre condition, 1/4 of our bridges are either obsolete or require updates, our air traffic control system needs a major overhaul. Due to these deficiencies, the economy is losing as much as 336 billion in lost growth over the next five years. The chamber also discusses how the successful completion of some 351 energy projects, could create a 1.1 trillion dollar spike to our economy, creating over 1.9 million jobs. ( From the numbers released by the US Chamber of Commerce, we can see how important a focus on American infrastructure would be.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in his filibuster on 12/10/10, regarding the collapse of the American middle class, stated: “We need to invest 850 billion over the next 50 years to get all of America’s bridges into good shape… there over 85,000 dams in America, and the average age is 51 years…the National Education Association estimates it would take 322 billion to bring America’s school buildings into good repair” (Senator Bernie Sanders; The Speech 134-35) This need creates many opportunities for growth. Not only will these investments create stability, they will create jobs and give Americans a way to support the economy. By investing in these growth programs, more Americans will work and have money to reinvest in our economy. Our country will be strengthened, our workers will work, our infrastructure will improve and corporations will have people to sell their products to.

President Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, stated “Smart businesses do not look at labor costs alone anymore. They do look at market access, transportation, telecommunications infrastructure and the education and skill level of the workforce, the development of capital and the regulatory market.” With the right investment into our nations infrastructure, we can once again be on the path of prosperity. It is every citizen’s duty to ensure the pendulum swings forward. The future is in our hands and the time is now. Let’s continue progressing towards that notion of American exceptionalism.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Leadership reaches deal; can they get the votes.

According to Politico, a deal has finally been reached between Republican Congressional leaders and the President. A break through has been reached, even though we are not passed the main battle. The major battle now is to see if Speaker. Boehner can stand up to the extreme right in his party and whip up the votes. The Speaker has failed on previous attempts to bring the Tea Party into a compromise; without having to shift further right, then he can get the Democrats to accept. The Republicans will get a chance to deliver the cuts to the vital domestic programs; such as medicare, while having to give cuts in defense. With the Progressive Caucus angered on the issue of giving up Americans vital social programs, for a increasingly extreme pull from the Tea Party, and the Tea Party angered that they won't see all the spending cuts they want; the wrangling for the votes will begin.

The Speaker has to show aggressive leadership to avoid this default. The ball returns to his court. If he can sell the agreement between the President and Congressional leadership, we will have the breakthrough we need to allow this crisis to pass. With the full faith and credit of the United States at risk, their is little time to waste. In my opinion, this deal is grossly unfair, however, compromise had to be reached. The extreme fringes of our partisan politics are never the answers, somewhere in the middle is where the answer to our impasse lays. While, this deal has pulled the President much further to right then his base wanted, the move shows the Democrats willingness to deal; can Boehner bring that same spirit from the right.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Speaker Boehner and his toxic bill

Speaker Boehner and his toxic bill...

Well here we go with the fourth installment in the refusal of the right to compromise. I feel that I can no longer refer to the Republican majority in the house as Republicans; they are the right. The more the democrats call for compromise, the further right the House Republicans move. In defense of Speaker Boehner, he is willing to compromise; just not with Democrats. The speaker has lost his control on the house, his party, and his sanity to the extreme interest of a splinter in his party. This appeasement to the tea party has gone too far.  

The speaker took a overly partisan bill, that he claims had democrat support; due to the fact the five democrats voted yes, on cut, cap and balance. This bill would never make it on the Senate floor, it couldn't even pass the Republican controlled house. The speaker was at a impasse; which required leadership, and a commitment to what's best for America. His decision, take a toxic partisan bill and infuse it further right with not only a balanced budget amendment, but a condition that it HAS to pass the house and senate, in order to get another raise in the debt ceiling. This balances budget amendment would make revenue raising, a lost cause for future Congresses. This addition is so toxic that even conservative stalwarts like Bill O'Reilly has stated: "The irony is, the people who dislike President Obama the most…are helping him the most. You’ve got to stop this hateful rhetoric. Some of the rhetoric is so hateful…it’d spin your head around." ( 

Well here we are at a impasse, that will test the resolve of our national government. Will the kind of extremism that the founders feared, or compromise. I fear that if compromise isn't reached, it will force the President to invoke the 14th amendment, section 4, clause 1. I fear this will lead to a battle in the Supreme Court, that will begin when sessions resume in October. This will take the power of the legislature away, from said legislature, forcing us to rely on judicial review for our well being. The upside, the crisis adverted till October. The downside, an even more toxic right pushing for impeachment, instead of working on compromise. 

The question, I leave is: Does Speaker Boehner represent the well being  of 660,000 Ohioans, 311,000,000 Americans, or 60 extreme right congressmen?. The Democrats, cannot compromise any further to the right. The Economic, Political and social future of our country is at stake. Appeasement never wins the day, compromise and action is the only way to American prosperity.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Letter to Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

As often as I can, I try to catch the lunchtime with Senator Sanders on the Thom Hartmann show. Senator Sanders, in my opinion is one of the greatest champions of the Progressive cause, that we have on the Senate floor. The Senator has worked tirelessly for his constituents, and the entire nation, to ensure that the everyday American has their voice heard. I was troubled when I heard on the Thom Hartman show last week, that he feels progressives need to field a primary challenger in order to make President Obama, more responsive to the left. The following letter, is a letter that I submitted to the Senator tonight. If I receive a response, it will be on added on a later blog.

Dear Senator Sanders,

Before I air my grievance, I would like to thank you for all the work you have done for the progressive vision in our great nation. You know as well as I do, that the greatest threat to responsible government in this country is the "insurgency" in the Republican party, known as the tea party.

I can understand your frustration with the President being pulled further right, just to bring the Republican to a more agreeable position. However, I feel a primary challenger is not the answer to make the President more responsive to his base. Working on overdrive to retake the house, increase our hold on the senate; is the cause we should be focusing on. Electing more progressives to the congress, will make the President responsive to the left again.

As a union state worker, for the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the progressive cause is one I cherish, and work hard to further. Watching two good representatives of our cause, in Patrick Murphy and Joe Sestak fall to the tea party hysteria, in 2010 troubled me. My only hope is, with the country watching the way the far right really operates, that 2012 will be a referendum on the tea party; and their choke hold they have on our national prosperity.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, since, I know you are busy. I am thankful for your contributions for the people of our great country. The Progressive plight in our country has inspired me to go to grad school, to study either law or public policy. I hope that one day I too can contribute, a fraction of what you have for our nation.

Richard Bergen

Monday, July 25, 2011

What the Debt Talks have taught us.

If these debt talks have taught us anything, its that Democrats can’t accept Republican austerity, and Republicans can’t accept revenue increases to match spending cuts. One would think the best compromise would be that Democrats give some cuts, while Republicans accept some revenue increases. According to Politico, Senate Majority Harry Reid (D-NV) put the Democrats debt proposal forward today; offering 2.7 trillion in spending cuts, increasing the debt ceiling through 2012, and no revenue increases at this time. Let me repeat that, no revenue increases, a huge concession to the Republicans. It’s a compromise that both Democrats and Republicans bases can accept. However, Republicans don’t want long-term success, they want a short-term victory and then rehash this argument during the election season. Leading us more and more to wonder, is their any deal that Republicans can, or will accept. Donald Trump, presidential jokeful, took his time to make a pitch, stating that the Republicans should not make any deal with Obama, unless they get 100% of what they want. Going further by stating; refusing to make a deal will ensure Obama is not reelected. In effect, destroying the American economy, as a political ploy which would be criminal, to say the least. Let’s hope compromise prevails, compromise is the only entity that allows our form of government to survive. Anything but compromise is unimaginable to the prosperity of the American people.

The climate of compromise in Washington

The climate of Washington this hot July resembles more a World War I battlefield, then the political seat of power for the country. With partisanship becoming more, and more entrenched, how can compromise be reached? As a progressive, I have become more and more worried on the issue of how far this compromise will go. I can accept that spending cuts are necessary, that eliminating the "fat" from the entitlement programs would improve our economic prosperity; however, I cannot accept that the muscle, that is our entitlement programs can be affected.


Democrats are appearing more and more willing, to negotiate on these positions, making tougher choices that affect their base. According to Russell Berman of "The Hill", Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev), is drafting a 2.7 trillion dollar deficit reduction package, without new revenue raising demands, on the condition that the debt ceiling is raised through 2012. These cuts would meet and exceed GOP demands. President Obama, continually is placing more and more of the "sacred cows" of the Democrats values for the country on the table. Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid are fiercely defended principles of the Democratic party. These programs speak to the prosperous vision that left leaning Americans have for our nations. Allowing Republicans to have a Democrat, willing to help their long time ambition of minimizing these programs, is irresponsible to say the least. President Obama, has asked if their is anything Republicans can say yes to, however, he is also forcing Progressives and Democrats to ask; is their anything that Obama will say no to. John Nichols, Washington correspondent of "The Nation", stated in his blog, that Obama's over compromising is causing a stir in his party. With, approval ratings among many liberals at all time low, and causing many including, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to call for the need of a primary challenger to appear, a good idea. Maybe, a primary challenger to President Obama, might bring him more perspective of the obstacles he will face in 2012. Obama's belief that his base will follow him, no matter what could be a critical error in assumption. 


President Obama, Speaker Boehner, House Majority Leader Cantor, Senate Majority Leader Reid, and their counterparts in legislative leadership in our country have the prosperity of our nation in their hands. This moment in history, more than most others can make or break the government of our nation. If a house divided on itself cannot stand, only compromise can breach the rift. In the regards to the prosperity of our nations, Theodore Roosevelt said it best in a speech he made, in Louisville, KY in April 1912: "Prosperity can permanently come to this country only on a basis of honesty and of fair treatment for all. Those men of enormous wealth who bitterly oppose every species of effective control of the people, through their Governmental agents, over the business use of that wealth are, I verily believe, most short sighted as to their own ultimate interests." The prosperity of our nation demands compromise, by both parties. Will we see a figure like Henry Clay emerge from this, or this continued posturing that leads to nothing but default. August 2nd will come, but will the legislature, and executive come together first. W

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Has Grover Norquist given Republicans wiggle room for compromise?

According to a Washington Post editorial, Grover Norquist, the head of the "Americans for Tax Reform" “Not continuing a tax cut is not technically a tax increase,” Mr. Norquist told us. So it doesn’t violate the pledge? “We wouldn’t hold it that way,”( Can this new revelation, from Grover Norquist, whose pledge obstructs any increased revenue measures from being inserted into the debt talk, help Republicans come to a compromise.

In 2010, when the Bush tax cuts were extended for two more years, it cost the federal government, 860 billion dollars in tax revenue (CNN Money, 2010) Making the tax cuts permanent would further cost the the treasury, 3.7 trillion over the next 10 years, in  lost revenue. This pledge that Republicans have signed, not to increase taxes in any sort; which allowing tax cuts to expire, doesn't violate, controls the entire budget talk. This loophole, offers Republicans a chance to allow 3.7 trillion in revenue raising options to occur over ten years. This 3.7 trillion doesn't cut anything from entitlement programs, that help countless American families in need. This 3.7 trillion would raise more then enough to cover the 3 trillion in debt, the U.S incurred as a result of Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Grover Norquist, one of Congresses greatest obstacles to revenue raising, has given Republicans a chance to reclaim their vote that they sold out to him with their pledge. Instead of continuing down a course that surrendered this vote to special interest, they can represent the people who placed them in office. These voters, never elected Grover Norquist, to any office. With the room that this offers House Republicans, compromise can be reached.

The Bush Tax Cuts have starved the Treasury of funds needed to operate. The full faith, and credit of the United States requires this revenue, to make good on faith in her credit. According to John Dyer, MSN Money article: "Cost of Bush Era, 11.5 trillion" the Bush era spending cost have drained our resources. When you incur debts, you pay these debts. 3 trillion on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, 700 billion from the TARP bailout of Wall Street, 5 trillion in debt assumed from Fannie Mae and Fannie Mac, are just a couple of the costs that Bush spending cost us, while lowering tax rates on the wealthiest Americans. 

President Obama is willing to make concessions, that his base cannot stomach in order to broker a deal. Senate Majority Leader Reid and Minority Leader McConnell, are working hard to get a compromise through the Senate. However, House Republican leadership continues to obstruct compromise, especially with their recent passing on cut, cap and balance; a measure that would be vetoed by the President, if it even had a chance to pass the Senate. Grover Norquist gives Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Cantor, space to regain their vote on compromise. This compromise is what America needs; not posturing.  I, for one hope the faith we place in our elected officials, is not misplaced. Compromise is what our constitution and form of government requires to operate. Let's hope this compromise can come.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My answer, to a basic tenet of progressivism.

Which shall rule, wealth or man? Which shall lead, money or intellect? Who shall fill public stations, educated and patriotic freeman, or the feudal serfs of corporate capital?...(Chief Justice Edward Ryan, Wisconsin Supreme Court, 1873)...great question infused into John Nichols article: "the Wisconsin model" in this months "the progressive". This is the question that lit the fire in Robert La Follette's political career according to Nichols. These three simple questions, will be asked in recall elections in that state, in the coming weeks, and on the national stage next November.

  This is a philosophical question, that leads to the heart of the progressive movement. With the ever widening gap between wealth in our nation, it becomes harder to see the power of men/women; in the face of wealth. The labor movement, helps bridge that gap; unity is the wealth of the worker.

  Corporations may after all create jobs, however, workers still have to work them. The workers are the wealth creators for the corporations. The power of these wealth creators is in their unity. A fairer distribution of the wealth they help to create,will lead to a better society. 

This gap is brought to better light by one of the governors of the federal reserve bank, Sarah Bloom Raskin. According to NPR, Ms. Raskin stated: "This inequality is destabilizing and undermines the ability of the economy to grow sustainably and efficiently," she said. Income inequality, she continued, "is "anathema to the social progress that is part and parcel of such growth."....( The article goes even further, stating that the gap in income today, is wider then 1928; in the days before the stock crash. 

In our society, today with the ever burgeoning gap in income,  seems to be insurmountable. Politicians are seeming more likely to enhance their own interests; at the expense of their constituents. This is a issue that crosses party lines; no party is clean in this respects. The question we are seeing answered in Wisconsin, Ohio and other battleground states on this issue is: Can organized labor stand up to organized wealth. 

I believe by answering the first question, I have answered all three. Wealth appears to be leading, however, god willing, workers will be able to reassert themselves in the face of wealth. Americans will not allow themselves to be serfs, to the landed gentry of big business. That's what I predict these recall elections in Wisconsin, and votes in Ohio, when the governors bill stripping collective bargaining hits the ballot box. The people have spoken to get the power to reverse these changes. The democratic process will prevail.

Monday, July 18, 2011

John Nichols revives three questions from the storied Wisconsin Progressive Past.

Which shall rule, wealth or man? Which shall lead, money or intellect? Who shall fill public stations, educated and patriotic freeman, or the feudal serfs of corporate capital?...(Chief Justice Edward Ryan, Wisconsin Supreme Court, 1873)...great question infused into John Nichols article: "the Wisconsin model" in this months "the progressive". This is the question that lit the fire in Robert La Follette's political career according to Nichols. These three simple questions, will be asked in recall elections in that state, in the coming weeks, and on the national stage next November. Only time will tell, for now we must wait, work and pray for the our answer to this question. I know how I would answer it, do you?

Friday, July 15, 2011

American Exceptionalism

In the political climate that we live in, we constantly hear politicians quibble over their fundamental philosophies; their core values. These core values often deeply entrench these politicians into unyielding positions. Without compromise, very little can be done to dislodge these statesmen from their dispositions. However, I believe, that their is a core value that all Americans share; a higher sense of purpose. As a people we are something greater then we are as individuals. If, I profess we are "greater as a people, then as individuals", one will ask: "what are we greater then". When we come together, we achieve a exceptional status. This is what I think of when I hear the term "American Exceptionalism". We are a nation of many nations, come together for the good of one nation. What does that mean? Well let's examine such a claim.

"We are a nation of many nations". The demographics of the United States does not compose of one people, nor does the connotations of the term "Americans". A person who moves from one country to another, rarely identifies themselves with their new country. An Algerian who moves to France, still considers themselves Algerian; they just happen to live in France. The same can be said of a Russian who moves to Ireland. They do not become Irish, in the sense of a Irishman born to that nation. However, one who moves from the to this wondrous entity, that is the United States, assumes that nationality, in which all natural born Americans posses. We are the only nationality, in which that claim can be applied. When my family came to Ellis Island, in the first years of the twentieth century, they came to be Americans; and the opportunities that we as Americans are afforded. They did not make the trip across the Atlantic to be Russian, Hungarian, German, or Dutch; as they were in their previous land. They came to be American, and that's what they became when they arrived.

For example, when my grandmothers family came to America; it was a less welcoming place. Her brother chose to change his last name from Kaplowitz, to Kane, in order to improve his employment opportunities. At this time, discrimination was much more of a commonplace, in our society. However, these immigrants and nativists came together in succeeding generations, to fight and save the world. Two world wars, followed by fifty years of fending off the red menace, this society unified from a isolationist, nativist outlook, to a nation of many nations. Immigrants are what we are, immigrants are what gives our nation a adamantine composition. Americans overcome all divisiveness that our heterogeneity creates; that is American exceptionalism.

Throughout our history, we have come together for the greater good. The American culture has always rose above divisiveness, to overcome our weaknesses. From the need to abolish slavery, to franchising citizens; regardless of race, sex or creed, fighting to remove discrimination, unfair labor practices, unfair business practices and countless other measure, we the people have united to protect the individual; by protecting society as a whole. This is our new manifest destiny. The issue of slavery once threatened to destroy our nation; causing eleven states to secede from the union. It took a brutal civil war, then a hundred years of a struggle for civil rights to overcome the issue; and mend the tear it caused to the fabric of our society. The issue of class has become the new struggle of our society. The great divide between the rich and the middle/working classes in our country is our new great trial. From Teddy Roosevelt, to the election of Ronald Reagen, the government has been a force to help the people. Unions and regulations have helped countless Americans join an ever important class of workers; the middle class.

The middle class is the ultimate assertion of the power, strength, drive and fortitude of the workers in our nation. As a people, we cannot stand when the middle and working classes are assailed from the upper class, and held back by the right wing of our political structure. American people have overcome countless strife in our 235 years since independence. Abraham Lincoln, who in my opinion our greatest President once said: "A house divided upon itself cannot stand", In my mind this can be further applied to our times by one of Lincolns, greatest generals; William Tecumsah Sherman. Sherman stated: "In our Country... one class of men makes war and leaves another to fight it out." If we change the word war, to wealth we come to our climate. The question we must ask ourselves is: Will the upper classes of our society put back, into what made them wealthy, or will 1% of the country remain divided in the ever widening divide of wealth. Will American exceptionalism prevail?, or will the divide overcome the better good.

What allows American exceptionalism is the exceptional wonder, of the ever beating heart of our nation; the United States Constitution. That living, breathing document elasticity is its true strength. The founders of our nation did not want to force future generations into inflexibility. What they dealt with in 1791, they knew would change in 1891, 1991 and 2011. Article I, section 8, clause 18 possess the words that are exceptionally American: "Necessary and proper", allowing Congress the ability to adapt to a ever changing world, while remaining within the parameters of the powers enumerated to them. The ability to amend the constitution also allows government, to grow and adapt to the times. I hear from originalist, that we must not only adhere to the strict letter, but the thoughts in heads of James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, George Mason and other founders, as they would apply them in 1791. This constitution is not written in stone; it is not the ten commandments. Their is no room to interpret the ten commandments; it is what it is. However, the constitution was written by man on paper, with ink. Men who never claimed to be infallible. Men who wanted generations to live better then them, not the exact same way they lived. That is why they gave us a living, breathing document to ensure our expceptionalism; which is the American character.

American Exceptionalism is what makes Americans great. We endeavor for the greater good of a nation of many nationalities. We are the living experiment, of the wondrous notion that government, of the people, for the people can inhabit this earth. Do we come together, like we have in the past for our countries greater good?, or do we lose sight of our manifest destiny due to intolerance and nativist fears. I, for one, have faith that American exceptionalism will continue to rise to the challenge, of the weakness in the human soul. I cannot imagine our society, if we cannot rise to the challenge.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Grapes of Wrath: Paul Ryan gets a whined at.

     Desperate for any news, I gave in and turned on AM 1210. I can listen to AM 1210 occasionally; as long as Rush Windbag is not on. While listening for a few minutes to the Dom Giordano show, I hear an interview with Dr. Susan Feinberg, an economist and professor at Rutgers. Dr. Feinberg, recently made headlines for confronting Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) at a high scale D.C. restaurant over two 350 dollar bottles of wine; that the congressman was enjoying with two economists. During the course of her meal, she decided, to exercise her right and approached the congressman and asked the congressman, to the effect of " Don't you find it wrong proposing massive cuts that will affect tens of millions of everyday Americans, while you are enjoying 700 dollars of wine." I understand her frustration, yet, the wine does not bother me, as mush as a comment she heard from the table: "Liberals think just because you are a millionaire, that you have done something wrong." Now that I take issue with.

     I am not a millionaire, with God's grace maybe one day I will. Millionaire's are not the problem with our nation. There will always be rich and poor. However, the attitude of certain millionaires and billionaires are the issue; and lets not forget not all conservatives are millionaires, they just happen to represent this special callous breed that I have issue with. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are social safety nets. These cuts that the Ryan plan calls for, makes massive changes to these programs that help everyday Americans. They ask taxpayers like you and me, to subsidize the ventures and tax breaks of these millionaires, yet, a program that would in a way subsidize my retirement, my wife's grandmothers medical bills, my mother and fathers medical bills, countless of underprivileged at stake, do not get their consideration. 

     I can't blame Paul Ryan for his selfish outlook, I do blame these millionaires for that entitled outlook. We are a nation, not just a market. Their are 350 million Americans that inhabit, this dream of our founders. Why should 3.5 million of them be like crabs, forcing the rest to the bottom of the barrel. I would like to conclude with a comment that Dr. Feinberg made to the congressman. When one of the Economists tried to tell her that the wine was being purchased by them, Dr Feinberg had to remind Mr. Ryan that; congressional rules prohibit him from accepting gifts exceeding, 100 dollars. I do believe that the bill he had to help with, was his shared sacrifice.

Chokehold on the Airwaves in SE Pennsylvania

     Am I the only one who has noticed, that all you have on AM radio in Southeastern Pennsylvania is Conservative/Libertarian/Tea Party talk radio. I mean, I hope its the low quality of this radio that was placed in nine tower; yet, I highly doubt it.

      I usually listen to sirius/xm radio when I am in the car, so I don't have to rely on AM raido for news, or political talk. However, I'm sure most go Pennsylvanians go to AM for their news. I, mean you can always listen to KYW1060, but I can only listen to the same headlines repeated every 22 minutes, just so many time.

     Pennsylvania is not Georgia, or South Carolina, nor another on of these bright red states. Pennsylvania is quite often a Democratic carrying state; Democrats taking the electoral votes, in the previous five presidential elections. Southeastern Pennsylvania is usually quite blue in that respect. That is why this concerns me when I turn the dial, I find six stations with the talking points: "the federal government grinding to the halt is good, the less legislation out of congress then better.", "Your news sponsered by the Washington Times.", "The latest from the socialist senator Bernie Sanders.", "God's judgement is waiting for homosexuals and Ideolouges.", "More from that Marxist President of ours." Are there any Progressive, or mainstream liberal media outlets to respond? Where is this main stream liberal media that I hear Ann Coulter crying about? I would love to see a moderate, centrist news agency on the radio; if that animal even exists.

     Rupert Mordor is not the only billionaire news mogul out there, clear channel can't own every station, where is the response from MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, these left leading news outlets to respond. Are our airwaves to be controlled by the right; this Randian/Tea Party message demogauging the airwaves. If so, I gor one, do not hold much hope for the prospects of our nation. I mean when I have to hear a rumor,  that if Biden leaves Obama's ticket, that Gov Cuomo might be one of the primary choices on 92.5 wxtu, Philly Country Music, I feel slighted.

     What makes our country great is the free flow of ideas; one message, one voice cannot replace that. I, for one, would absolutely love a radio show where a moderator would discuss the issues of the day, then a Ed Schultz and a Sean Hannity would present the liberal/conservative viewpoints; then take calls from the people. The value of such a forum would be infinite to the American Psyche. That fourth estate of Edward R Murrow is sorely missed, and might reappear. I, for one, have faith and hope that one day we will have that again. The prospects on the other end are just too grim to fathom.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Founding Father Quote for the day....

I was looking for a founding father quote for today....When searching for the quote, I had to consider that the theme of the day was "Buy American". When I think of that made in china emblem, I think of the foreign influence that pervades our market....Alexander Hamilton, in regards to foreign influence, stated it perfectly when he said:

"Foreign influence is truly the Grecian horse to a republic. We cannot be too careful to exclude its influence"

That "made in china" emblem might provide you with a product at a lower price, however, that "Made in the USA" means jobs, it means a stronger economy, it means what the stars and stripes mean to me; Unity. A unifying force, in a divisive world. It represents something greater then a individual. Keep our Nation strong, buy American whenever possible.....

If you need help finding place to buy American, follow these links.

Buy American

Buy American: Lessons from the Kuztown Folk Festival.

Kuztown Folk Festival

Today I am at the Kuztown folk festival with my wife and a  few friends. Walking thru one of the booths a craftsman said something, that resonates deeply in my heart: "everything's made in America here buddy" that is a phrase I wish I could hear more often. Walking around this fair I find a nationalistic urge to shop, grow inside me. These shops represent the trinity for the American economy. The materials are procured in America, manufactured in America and sold in America. No multi national conglomerate benefits; only hard working Americans. These craftsman and workers aren't asking for tax payer subsidies, just tax payer support. When you buy American, you support the American economy threefold. Remember that when you see that little gold sticker that says "made in china".

Friday, July 8, 2011

Founding Fathers Quote of the Day

Now for the founding father quote of the day, we go to the one credited for being the primary author of the US Constitution.

America was indebted to immigration for her settlement and prosperity. That part of America which had encouraged them most had advanced most rapidly in population, agriculture and the arts...James Madison

Bachmann: ‘I Hope’ Higher Unemployment Will Help My Campaign

Bachmann: ‘I Hope’ Higher Unemployment Will Help My Campaign: "pAppearing on CNBC this morning, presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) was asked about this morning’s dismal jobs report and whether higher unemployment rates might help her chances of winning in 2012. “Does it strike you that as the unemployment rate goes up, your chances of winning office also go up?” host Carl Quintanilla asked. [...]/p"

The latest rhetoric of Rep. Bachmann, makes we wonder if Republican obstructionism main intent is to tank the economy for a political victory. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi stated today that the democrats have produced approximately 20 job growth measures in the house; to zero measures from the republicans. I for one had a serious dislike for former President George W Bush. However, any democrat who would have stated they hoped for more U.S. casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan to help a political victory in 2008, would have been called a traitorous scoundrel; and rightfully so. How can one hope for destructive measures, to increase their political agenda. The craving of every day Americans to suffer for your own gain, in my opinion is intrinsic to Republicanism in our country. Michelle Bachmann couldn't have proven this point better then with her hopes and aspirations for higher unemployment, massive entitlement reform, debunking global warming, dismantling labor unions, pushing second class citizen treatment for homosexuals, more and more tax cuts for the rich. I could go on for more then it would be worth to speak against Michelle Bachmann; and her Republican Obstructionists. However, as far as Michelle Bachmann goes, all you have to do is follow something she said earlier this week if you want to know her feelings on working class Americans: "Have faith in God and you won't need welfare". Her background, skill and expertise that she claims she has that will help create jobs, will only help create profit for 1% of America; at the expense of the remaining 99%.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I guess my bumper sticker got a reaction

Tonight Andrea, Tommy and I went to see Cars 2. Cars 2 was a very entertaining movie, that was quite enjoyable. I must say I enjoyed the political twist to the movie. Big Oil being portrayed as the evil corporation trying to defeat alternative energy at all cost, appealed to my progressive side quite well. However, the most entertaining part of the night was when Tommy and I got back to the car. Apparently, Andrea saw a interesting bumper sticker placed on my windshield. This bumper sticker was a clever response to my bumper sticker "warning dog bites republicans". The lovely sticker was "repeal obamacare by the american heritage action". First of all, what conservative jackalope is wondering around a movie theater parking lot, with their right wing bumper stickers. It's ridiculous, but entertaining. Second, I wish that nice person could have waited around so we could have talked. I would have loved to hear how requiring working class Americans health benefits to have benefits, yet, benefiting corporations with all the tax breaks and handouts they can get is okay. I really want to hear a constructive argument on that. If anyone can explain to me why corporate welfare is okay, but making sure Americans have health care is unamerican.