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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Grapes of Wrath: Paul Ryan gets a whined at.

     Desperate for any news, I gave in and turned on AM 1210. I can listen to AM 1210 occasionally; as long as Rush Windbag is not on. While listening for a few minutes to the Dom Giordano show, I hear an interview with Dr. Susan Feinberg, an economist and professor at Rutgers. Dr. Feinberg, recently made headlines for confronting Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) at a high scale D.C. restaurant over two 350 dollar bottles of wine; that the congressman was enjoying with two economists. During the course of her meal, she decided, to exercise her right and approached the congressman and asked the congressman, to the effect of " Don't you find it wrong proposing massive cuts that will affect tens of millions of everyday Americans, while you are enjoying 700 dollars of wine." I understand her frustration, yet, the wine does not bother me, as mush as a comment she heard from the table: "Liberals think just because you are a millionaire, that you have done something wrong." Now that I take issue with.

     I am not a millionaire, with God's grace maybe one day I will. Millionaire's are not the problem with our nation. There will always be rich and poor. However, the attitude of certain millionaires and billionaires are the issue; and lets not forget not all conservatives are millionaires, they just happen to represent this special callous breed that I have issue with. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are social safety nets. These cuts that the Ryan plan calls for, makes massive changes to these programs that help everyday Americans. They ask taxpayers like you and me, to subsidize the ventures and tax breaks of these millionaires, yet, a program that would in a way subsidize my retirement, my wife's grandmothers medical bills, my mother and fathers medical bills, countless of underprivileged at stake, do not get their consideration. 

     I can't blame Paul Ryan for his selfish outlook, I do blame these millionaires for that entitled outlook. We are a nation, not just a market. Their are 350 million Americans that inhabit, this dream of our founders. Why should 3.5 million of them be like crabs, forcing the rest to the bottom of the barrel. I would like to conclude with a comment that Dr. Feinberg made to the congressman. When one of the Economists tried to tell her that the wine was being purchased by them, Dr Feinberg had to remind Mr. Ryan that; congressional rules prohibit him from accepting gifts exceeding, 100 dollars. I do believe that the bill he had to help with, was his shared sacrifice.

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