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Friday, July 29, 2011

Speaker Boehner and his toxic bill

Speaker Boehner and his toxic bill...

Well here we go with the fourth installment in the refusal of the right to compromise. I feel that I can no longer refer to the Republican majority in the house as Republicans; they are the right. The more the democrats call for compromise, the further right the House Republicans move. In defense of Speaker Boehner, he is willing to compromise; just not with Democrats. The speaker has lost his control on the house, his party, and his sanity to the extreme interest of a splinter in his party. This appeasement to the tea party has gone too far.  

The speaker took a overly partisan bill, that he claims had democrat support; due to the fact the five democrats voted yes, on cut, cap and balance. This bill would never make it on the Senate floor, it couldn't even pass the Republican controlled house. The speaker was at a impasse; which required leadership, and a commitment to what's best for America. His decision, take a toxic partisan bill and infuse it further right with not only a balanced budget amendment, but a condition that it HAS to pass the house and senate, in order to get another raise in the debt ceiling. This balances budget amendment would make revenue raising, a lost cause for future Congresses. This addition is so toxic that even conservative stalwarts like Bill O'Reilly has stated: "The irony is, the people who dislike President Obama the most…are helping him the most. You’ve got to stop this hateful rhetoric. Some of the rhetoric is so hateful…it’d spin your head around." ( 

Well here we are at a impasse, that will test the resolve of our national government. Will the kind of extremism that the founders feared, or compromise. I fear that if compromise isn't reached, it will force the President to invoke the 14th amendment, section 4, clause 1. I fear this will lead to a battle in the Supreme Court, that will begin when sessions resume in October. This will take the power of the legislature away, from said legislature, forcing us to rely on judicial review for our well being. The upside, the crisis adverted till October. The downside, an even more toxic right pushing for impeachment, instead of working on compromise. 

The question, I leave is: Does Speaker Boehner represent the well being  of 660,000 Ohioans, 311,000,000 Americans, or 60 extreme right congressmen?. The Democrats, cannot compromise any further to the right. The Economic, Political and social future of our country is at stake. Appeasement never wins the day, compromise and action is the only way to American prosperity.

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