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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Letter to Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

As often as I can, I try to catch the lunchtime with Senator Sanders on the Thom Hartmann show. Senator Sanders, in my opinion is one of the greatest champions of the Progressive cause, that we have on the Senate floor. The Senator has worked tirelessly for his constituents, and the entire nation, to ensure that the everyday American has their voice heard. I was troubled when I heard on the Thom Hartman show last week, that he feels progressives need to field a primary challenger in order to make President Obama, more responsive to the left. The following letter, is a letter that I submitted to the Senator tonight. If I receive a response, it will be on added on a later blog.

Dear Senator Sanders,

Before I air my grievance, I would like to thank you for all the work you have done for the progressive vision in our great nation. You know as well as I do, that the greatest threat to responsible government in this country is the "insurgency" in the Republican party, known as the tea party.

I can understand your frustration with the President being pulled further right, just to bring the Republican to a more agreeable position. However, I feel a primary challenger is not the answer to make the President more responsive to his base. Working on overdrive to retake the house, increase our hold on the senate; is the cause we should be focusing on. Electing more progressives to the congress, will make the President responsive to the left again.

As a union state worker, for the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the progressive cause is one I cherish, and work hard to further. Watching two good representatives of our cause, in Patrick Murphy and Joe Sestak fall to the tea party hysteria, in 2010 troubled me. My only hope is, with the country watching the way the far right really operates, that 2012 will be a referendum on the tea party; and their choke hold they have on our national prosperity.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, since, I know you are busy. I am thankful for your contributions for the people of our great country. The Progressive plight in our country has inspired me to go to grad school, to study either law or public policy. I hope that one day I too can contribute, a fraction of what you have for our nation.

Richard Bergen

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